Everything about BharatNet- Latest Developments, News and updates

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Recently there have been many speculations about BharatNet. What is Bharat net? BharatNet project is a central government initiative designed to connect rural India to high-speed optical fiber-based internet. This project is the largest rural broadband internet connectivity program using quality optical fiber in the whole world.

BharatNet is a mission that has been initiated by BBNL- Bharat Broadband Network Ltd. This is a rural broadband project that was started in 2011 as National Optical Fibre Network, NOFN.

Key points to note

  1. BharatNet aims at providing an affordable, on-demand broadband connection with 2 Mbps to 20 Mbps for rural households.
  2. BharatNet intends to provide on-demand capacity to involved institutions
  3. This scalable rural internet network is aimed at being accessible to deserving people without any discrimination.
  4. BharatNet has been implemented by the Indian Department of Telecommunication under the Ministry of Communications to bring into reality the long-term goal of Digital India.
  • FYI
  • BBNL – An SPV(Special Purpose Vehicle) by the Government of India which has an authorized capital with the value of Rs 1000 crore. It comes under the Companies Act, 1956.
  • National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) Lanched in October 2011, this initiative later in 2015, took the name of Bharat Net Project.

The three Phases of BharatNet Project

There are three phases to the BharatNet Project. Each phase was designed to create a Digitally smart Rural India with rural broadband. Let us have a look at the features of each phase in brief.

  • First Phase

    The first phase had aimed at providing internet (broadband) connectivity to 1 lakh gram panchayats. The plan was to achieve this by running underground OFC lines -Optic Fibre Cable and it was supposed to be completed by December 2017.

  • Second Phase

    Initially, the plan was to complete the second phase by March 2019. The authorities were trying to provide broadband connectivity using a combination of radio and satellite media, underground fiber and fibre over power lines,

  • Third Phase

    The third phase was supposed to begin in 2019 till 2023. The whole dream of achieving digital India included establishing a future-proof network with fiber connection between various blocks, districts, and other areas with the ring topology.

BharatNet Digital India -Current areas of coverage

Gram panchayats and other inhabited villages in 16 states are covered in the current plan. The states are as follows:-

  • Kerala,
  • Karnataka,
  • Rajasthan,
  • Himachal Pradesh,
  • Punjab,
  • Haryana,
  • Uttar Pradesh,
  • Madhya Pradesh,
  • West Bengal,
  • Assam,
  • Meghalaya,
  • Manipur,
  • Mizoram,
  • Tripura,
  • Nagaland
  • Arunachal Pradesh.

The latest news on BharatNet

According to the latest sources, The scheme is running behind the expected schedule with the pandemic causing major havoc.

As per the data received on June 25, 1,56,833 gram panchayats ( not counting block headquarters ) have been service-ready. Internet connectivity was activated in 1,50,744 gram panchayats. Under phase one, 1,18,635 gram panchayats were made eligible to receive the service. 34,689 have been made eligible under phase 2 till June 25.

Optical Fibre cable was placed in 1,73,233 gram panchayats under the two phases of BharatNet.

Cables laid in Phase one

  • 1,23,654 gram panchayats

Cables laid in Phase two

  • 49,579-gram panchayats
  • For your information
  • Service ready – When a gram panchayat is connected to the main grid of the internet at the block headquarters in the area, It is said to be service-ready.
  • Internet connectivity is activated when end users are connected to the internet grid.

Current status of BharatNet

The initial aim was to connect 1 lakh gram panchayats by 2019 and 1.5 lakh by March 2020. After consideration of the situation in March 2020, the deadline was extended to August 2021. However, with the pandemic still enforcing lockdowns, the deadline for phase two has yet again been extended. As per the update on June 30th, the Government has altered the scheme implementation program and is considering roping private parties to assist in the rest of the project.

The Union Cabinet has decided to implement this project using a PPP model (Public-Private Partnership). A VGF (Viability Gap Funding) will be provided as support. The amount to be dispersed as support will come to Rs. 19,041 crore. The total expense is expected to be Rs. 29,430 crore.

Did you know

  1. PPP Model is a collaboration between a private sector organisation and a government establishment. It has the authority to build, finance, and operate several projects.
  2. VGF stands for Viability Gap Funding. This is a one-time grant offered to sustain infrastructure projects which have been justified economically, however, lack financial funds.

BharatNet Tariffs

As per the information from http://www.bbnl.nic.in, we have collected data on BharatNet Tariffs.

Block to Gram Panchayats Tariff

The Asymmetric Bandwidth Tariff
S No. Bandwidth (Asymmetric)(Mbps) Tariff per annum (Rs)
1 Upto 10

Rs 700 per Mbps

2 10


3 100


4 200


5 300


6 400


7 500


8 1000


The Symmetric Bandwidth Tariff
S No. Bandwidth (Symmetric) (Mbps) Tariff per annum (Rs)
1 Upto 10

Rs 1000 per Mbps

2 10


3 100


Tariff for any intermediate bandwidth

The tariff for intermediate bandwidths can be calculated taking into consideration what the difference between two bandwidths ( upper and lower) would be .and what difference there would be in the price.

Additional Discount
Bandwidth requested Discount allowed as a single application
1000 to 5000 GPs


5000 to 10000 GPs


10000 to 25000 GPs


> 25000 GPs


Port charges have been waived off at ONT & OLT.

Minimum period of the bandwidth lease is 1 year.

Tariff For Incremental cable -Bharatnet Dark Fibre On Bbnl’s Ofc

  • Dark fiber is given at Rs 2250/-per fiber per Km per annum.
  • Minimum period of the bandwidth lease is 1 year

As per the latest information, the BharatNet tariff validity is till 31/12/2021 or till DoT/USOF finalizes the BharatNet tariff (whichever happens earlier)


The concept behind the BharatNet project is a commendable initiative that certainly deserves applause. If we had not been hit by the pandemic, the project would have achieved a few more milestones and would be reaching the final stages by now. Let us wait and see how long it will take to arrive at the vision of a truly Digital India. Stay with us to know more updates.

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